Clinical Trial: Cervical Length and Bishop Score in Preinduction Cervical Assessment Prior to Induction of Labor

Study Status: Completed
Recruit Status: Completed
Study Type: Observational

Official Title: Comparison Between Sonographic Cervical Length and Bishop Score in Preinduction Cervical Assessment Prior to Induction of Labor as Regards Induction Success

Brief Summary: Comparison between Sonographic Cervical Length and Bishop Score in Preinduction Cervical Assessment prior to induction of labor as regards induction success.

Detailed Summary:

Type of the study:

assessment of accuracy of diagnostic test.

Study setting:

The study will be performed at Ain Shams university Maternity hospital on nulliparous women at term admitted to causality for induction of labor.

Study population:

The study will be held on 200 women all are primigravida between 37-42 weeks gestation to whom induction of labor will be carried out in the casualty of Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital.

All patients will have cervical assessment by modified Bishop score and cervical length measurement by ultrasound.

Plan for induction of labor:

  • Detailed and careful history will be taken from the participants as follows:

    1. Personal history: including name, age, occupation, residence and special habits of medical importance.
    2. Obstetric history: including gestational age and regular antenatal care.
    3. Past history: including any medical disorder e.g Diabetes mellitus, hypertension or any surgical procedure.
    4. History of present pregnancy: duration of pregnancy from last menstrual period, any complications occurred or any medication used during pregnancy.
  • Examination of the participants:

    1. Cervical Length Prior to Labor Induction [ Time Frame: 24 hours ]
      median cervical length measured by transvaginal ultrasound in centimetres
    2. Bishop Score Prior to Induction of Labor [ Time Frame: 72 hours ]

      median Bishop score assessed by digital vaginal examination as follows:

      1. Cervical dilatation in centimeters will be given a score of zero if closed, a score of 1 if 1-2 cm dilated, a score of 2 if 3-4 cm dilated and a score of 3 if 5 cm or more dilataion.
      2. Effacement of the cervix will be given a score of zero if 0-30%, a score of 1 if 40-50%, a score of 2 if 60-70% and a score of 3 if 80% or more.
      3. Station of fetal head will be given a score of zero if -3, a score of 1 if -2, a score of 2 if -1 to zero and a score of 3 if 1 or more.
      4. Consistency of the cervix will be given a score of zero if firm, a score of 1 if medium and a score of 2 if soft.
      5. Position of the cervix will be given a score of zero if posterior, a score of 1 if mid position and a score of 2 if anterior. So, a total score (sum of all scores) of zero at a minimum to 10 at a maximum can be estimated.

      Note that a score more than 10 means patient is in labor not needing induction of labor.

Original Primary Outcome: accuracy of the cervical length compared to modified Bishop score for prediction of successful induction of labor [ Time Frame: 24 hours ]

number of participants who had a successful induction of labor following assessment of the cervix by either modified Bishop score or sonographic cervical length

Current Secondary Outcome:

Original Secondary Outcome:

Information By: Ain Shams Maternity Hospital

Date Received: February 23, 2016
Date Started: October 2014
Date Completion:
Last Updated: September 19, 2016
Last Verified: September 2016