Clinical Trial: Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Study

Study Status: Recruiting
Recruit Status: Recruiting
Study Type: Observational

Official Title: National Cell Repository for Alzheimer's Disease (NCRAD)

Brief Summary: The purpose of the Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Study is to identify the genes that are responsible for causing Alzheimer's Disease (AD). One of the ways in which the risk factor genes for late onset AD can be investigated is by identifying and collecting genetic material from families with multiple members diagnosed with AD or dementia.

Detailed Summary: The purpose of the Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Study is to help identify the genes that may be responsible for causing Alzheimer's Disease (AD) by collecting genetic material from families with multiple members diagnosed with AD. Qualifying families will have two living blood-related individuals who have been diagnosed with or are showing symptoms of AD or dementia. Local study sites are located all over the United States, and arrangements may be made for eligible families who do not live near a participating site. The biological samples and data from these families will be made available to qualified researchers, who must sign a Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) in order to protect the privacy rights of study participants before receiving DNA and data.
Sponsor: Indiana University

Current Primary Outcome: Distribute biological specimens to qualified investigators for use in their research studies. [ Time Frame: Contact investigators annually for an update on progress and publication status. ]

Investigators will analyze the samples and publish de-identified results. These publications will help to further the knowledge in the field of dementia and potentially lead to new therapies and targets for therapies.

Original Primary Outcome:

Current Secondary Outcome:

Original Secondary Outcome:

Information By: Indiana University

Date Received: July 14, 2003
Date Started: June 2002
Date Completion: July 2021
Last Updated: November 4, 2016
Last Verified: November 2016